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About the XF Sports Consulting College Prep Website
From the “Player Home” main page you will find all this tabs available:
Crossfire Home - This will be a link to your club website homepage.
Player Home - This is a link to the menu seen above.
My Schools – You see the list of schools you are interested in. You add schools to this list from the “College Search” Section.
My Profile – You put valuable information about yourself for college coaches to gain access to. After a college coach gets validated and gains credentials they will be able to see each player’s profile. This information will also be used by team managers for creating college profile sheets to be handed out to college coaches during tournaments and games.
My Check List – We have created an extensive 116 step program to help you accomplish your goal of going to college. In this section you will be able to see all those steps and be able to check them off to track your progress.
My Correspondence – Track your correspondence to schools. It will also allow the College Administrator (from your club) to see where you stand on your correspondence and help guide you to further progress.
Academic Tracking – Add your courses and final grades from those courses so college coaches can see what courses you are taking and what your GPA is.
College Search – Search for schools based on varying criteria including: size of school and geography. This is also where you add schools you are interested in to your “My Schools”.
Scholarships & Grants – Links to resources which can help you get scholarships. Not everyone gets a full ride to school and being able to supplement your tuition with scholarships to reduce the amount of money you have to get loaned to you will help post-college.
Reference Reading – The College Prep Book that was handed out at registration night to all players has been put into the website. You will be able to see every page on the website, should you ever need to see the book quickly.
The sections below are completely customizable to your club. You choose who is in your list and who is not.
SAT/ACT Test Prep – This is a place for your club to offer SAT/ACT Test Prep services to your players from third party companies.
Video Services – This is a place for your club to offer video services to your players from third party companies.
Personal Trainers – This is a place for your club to offer soccer and personal training services to your players from third party companies.
Academic Tutoring – This is a place for your club to offer academic tutoring services to your players from third party companies.
College Consulting – This is a place for your club to offer college consulting services to your players from third party companies.
Show Messages - This is where correspondence happens between your clubs administrators and the player.
About - Gives information to players about what is in each section of the college program.
Contact - You can put contact information for contacts in the college program from your club.